Sunday, August 26, 2012

How I started

So it was January 2012 and I decided something had to change.  But when and how?  I also understood that the human species are fairly resistant to change, but i felt if done a bit more slowly and with a complete understanding as to why you are doing it then it may successfully become a habit. 

For my first week I decided to give OBVIOUS sugar.  You know them...the obvious Twinkies, Eclairs, Red Velvet Cake, Blue Bell Moolenium Ice Cream, and the like.  Also during this week I would research how much sugar was in other types of food I was eating.  I was surprised!  Processed food is teeming with hidden sugar.  Since I was still requiring 30+ units of insulin per meal (Yes...I said 30 or more) I decided to start reading all labels and learn the different names used for sugar.  This is when I realized that I would need to eat more fresh food and stop with the processed foods.  I did this for 2 weeks and lost 15lbs.  I was flabbergasted and amazed. 

My next step was brought about by something I saw on TV.  On a Sunday 60 Minutes was playing and I had not even intended to watch it.  They announced a segment about sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup by Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology.  His presentation was spot on.  I understood every word the man said and it made sense.  He backed up everything he said with incontrovertible science.  The next morning I watched his lecture on YouTube  Sugar: The Bitter Truth.  I was now off table sugar and HFCS. 

These were my first two big moves.  Every two or so weeks would include another tweak to my eating.  I have to mention this also - I still did NOT count a single calorie.  My sugar cravings were intense the first 3 days and waxed and waned for about 3 weeks.  Today I don't have any cravings for sugar and actually crave tomatoes, grapes, oranges, and nuts for snacks.

Quick Side Note:

You can eat out and eat clean:

My husband and I visited a small restaurant on the NW side of Houston/Tomball called Kabab Kahani.  I had the Mixed Grill with very lean beef, Tandoori chicken, and veal kababs and instead of rice I had double salad (fresh cabbage and greens, fresh tomatoes, fresh herbs) drizzled with a creamy garlic sauce.  Very tasty :) !

Eating better:

Be Nutty!  The right nuts can help improve you health.  Mayo Clinic: Health and Nuts

Ok...over and out.  Remember to ask yourself if you "are worth it?"

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

― Hippocrates

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