Sunday, September 9, 2012

High Fructose CRAP syrup & Genetically modified produce

Yeah...that is what I said.  High Fructose Corn Syrup is in everything including dill pickles and hot dogs.  Here is a video of how it is made...notice the gas masks.

After seeing this video it only confirmed that I really did not want to ingest HFCS.  This is the largest source of sugar for most Americans.  It has NO nutritive value and its final product after liver processing is fat and uric acid.  YUCK!  And for diabetics its a double whammy...HFCS is fructose and sucrose.  Yes fructose is fruit/veg sugar which is usually acceptable in clean eating but in this case the fructose doesn't come with the fiber that is found in fruits and vegetables which slows the body's absorption of the sugar.  Watching the video by Dr. Robert Lustig's video Sugar: The Bitter Truth with completely explain how HFCS is unhealthy and even dangerous. Here is link to the video which is an hour long, but worth the watch:  Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Another thing I look out for is Genetically Modified Produce (GMO).  I avoid it altogether and here is why:  They are messing with perfection!  Ok ok...there are more reasons and here is my biggest reason.  Let's take corn, for example, that has been modified; it is modified to produce its own pesticide which in turns makes for larger crops because of less loss due to pest and thus the selling price is dramatically cheaper.  NOW...lets re-read that - 'it produces it own pesticide".  Of course the amount produced is only sufficient to kill corn-hating pest, but over the course of a summer how much corn do you eat?  Some forms of pesticides can build up in the human body and kill our good bacteria and flora and cause inflammation and other problems.  I wouldn't spray my dinner with a small shot of Raid or Black why would I eat GMO produce.  There is A LOT wrong with GMO and if you just Google it you can find a reputable site for info!  Here is how to find out if what you are buying is Organic, traditionally farmed or GMO...Organic or GMO.

Now I am not a hard-nosed fanatic about these things.  If I am at a function where is food is available...I look for the best choices and then eat a very small amount of anything I find in contrast with my eating style.  If it is a celebration - have a piece of cake!  A small piece and skip ice cream...but life is for living.  A half slice of cake won't hurt you if its something you do rarely.  Today I had a petite-four during a meeting to plan my kiddo's bridal shower...we were having a wonderful time and it WAS a celebration.  I enjoyed eating it and it was scrumptious.  I also had chicken salad and raw veggies too.  Balance is the name of the game.

Janet's Favorite Things

This is nothing like Oprah's Favorite don't bother looking  under your chair and you will NOT be getting one just like...oh yeah...and no new cars will be given away, LOL.

 Kelp Noodles by Sea Tangle are great!  I ordered two bags of these noodles from Amazon.  Kelp Noodles on Amazon  They are made from seaweed and are almost all fiber and do not need to refrigerated until opened either.  They are taste neutral...meaning they have no taste and basically take on the taste of whatever is mixed with them. Since they are almost all fiber they are VERY low calorie and filling.   I found them to have a very slight salty taste when eaten alone but that was masked by the tasted of the stewed tomatoes I mixed with them.  You don't cook or heat them.  I just put them in a bowl and used my kitchen scissors to trim them...they are rather long...and then poured my heated sauce over them.  I can say that I prefer them over real pasta.  My husband said he didn't mind them but they were not like pasta in his opinion.  For the price they are worth a try if you want to avoid pasta.

 I gave up Aspartame.  My reason for doing is the FACT that it causes increased hunger.  Science has found this to be true.  My alternative to sugar and aspertame is Xyitol.  Xyitol is derived from tree bark and the human body also manufactures Xyitol as well.  It is well tolerated and even good for your teeth.  Xyitol on Amazon

It looks and taste like sugar.  I carry some in my purse and car so when I scoot into Sonic for a Route 44 UnSweet Tea...I use my Xyitol.  It is afforable and there are larger boxes of packets available as well as bags of loose Xyitol.  Its great on raw fruit too!

 My next find is Gourmet Select Garlic Sea Salt with grinder top.  I found mine at  I just checked and they are out, but I am sure other retailer may have it.  Amazon has several other brands of the same thing.  This stuff is great on tomatoes salads!  It is a pungent garlic flavor and very little is needed.  I will definitely be keeping this in stock for my pantry. 
I have had a lot of folks ask if I take supplements.  Well, I do.  Here is my philosophy on supplements.  They do not cure anything.  They are helpers.  You have to provide it with a good working environment and this is done by eating well and some exercise.  Supplements cannot work if the person  taking them eats only junk.

Also...the price doesn't necessarily reflect quality.  Check the ingredients and research the maker.  Look into how they are processed.  Read the labels to see if they use any fillers that are not needed or negate the health benefits.  Some supplements like fish oil and seaweed should be researched.  These can be made from sources that are polluted with mercury or other heavy metals. No need to add that to your diet.

I also feel that if I take supplement 'x' and it helps me improve 5%....and supplement 'y' helps another 3-5%...and eating clean helps 65%...exercise another 15%...the combination can help me feel better!  Should you come across a seller that claims a supplement CURES anything - please ignore them.  A good site for advice is Dr. Mark Hyman and UltraWellness Center.  Do your research!  Here are some good, reputable sites to look up:
The Mayo Clinic
John Hopkins Research
Nat. Institute of Health

Ok...Over and out for this week!  Thanks for reading!

Eating is always a decision, nobody forces your hand to pick up food and put it into your mouth.

Albert Ellis, Michael Abrams, Lidia Dengelegi, The Art & Science of Rational Eating, 1992

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